Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sopranino Recorder

The sopranino recorder is the smallest in the range of recorders.

The lowest note is F , one and a half octaves above middle C on the piano and hence in the key of F like the treble and bass recorders. 

Sopranino Recorder Music is written one octave lower than it sounds. 

Like the bass recorder it is mainly used in consort playing.

Sopranino Recorder Range

Descant ( Soprano ) Recorder

The descant recorder , also named soprano recorder, is the most common size played. It is a relatively easy instrument to produce a sound. 

The lowest note is C which sounds one octave higher than middle C. Music is written one octave lower than the sound produced. The range of notes played spans just over two octaves.

Many people learn the descant recorder for a year or two and then move on to another instrument such as the flute, clarinet, oboe or even the violin. Playing the recorder first makes learning a second instrument much easier as you have learnt the basics such as note names, note lengths and reading the notes.

Here are some recorder books which may interest you.

Once you have learnt a some notes and can keep in time, playing duets is great fun.

Treble or Alto Recorder

The treble recorder, also named alto recorder is a popular choice of instrument to learn after the descant recorder.

As it is bigger than the descant then the finger holes are wider apart and the tone is richer and deeper.

Treble Recorder Music is written at the pitch it is played ( not an octave lower like that of the descant recorder ).

The lowest note is no longer C but F ( the F above middle C on the piano ) and hence is in the key of F. The fingerings are the same as the descant recorder, but you play the scale of F ( F G A Bflat C D E F ) from the lowest note instead of the scale of C ( C D E F G A B C ) from the lowest note. This change of key can be confusing at first but with a little practise and time you will be able to play either instrument without thinking.

The treble recorder was the instrument used primarily for solos and orchestral parts in the days when recorders were popular.

Tenor Recorder

The tenor recorder is similar to the descant recorder in that it is in the same key with its lowest note being middle C on the piano. However it sounds one octave lower than the descant recorder.

It is a much larger instrument with greater distances between the holes than the descant and treble recorders. The lowest hole is so far away that it is controlled by use of a key. The lowest hole is so far away that it is controlled by use of a key.

Music for the tenor recorder is written at the same pitch as the sounds produced. You can play descant recorder music because it is in the same key. It is fun playing tenor recorder in parts with others playing treble and descant instruments.

The Tenor Recorder Range

Bass Recorder

The bass recorder is very big and costly but be very enjoyable to play once you have mastered the descant, treble and tenor recorders. Because of its size the lowest hole has a key to close it off when required, plus a crook for the mouthpiece.

It is in the key of F, just like the treble recorder, with its lowest note being F below middle C on the piano. Hence most of the music written for the bass recorder is using the bass clef. And like the descant recorder, music is written one octave lower than it sounds.

The Bass Recorder Range

Once you have mastered this instrument you will no doubt be keen to group up with other recorder members of the consort and have fun playing different parts.

Look at some Bass and other Recorder Music Here

Just remember that the bass recorder is not a solo instrument and will need to blend in with other instruments. The bass part in this example is the lowest line with music written in the bass clef ( see an earlier posting on the bass clef )

The bass recorder is very big and costly but be very enjoyable to play once you have mastered the descant, treble and tenor recorders. Because of its size the lowest hole has a key to close it off when required, plus a crook for the mouthpiece.

It is in the key of F, just like the treble recorder, with its lowest note being F below middle C on the piano. Hence most of the music written for the bass recorder is using the bass clef. Music is written one octave lower than it sounds.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Treble Clef Instruments

There are a number of instruments which play music using the treble clef.

Click Here Now

to find out more information on them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Learning To Play Pieces Using The Bass Clef

When you are learning to play an instrument such as the bassoon,bass recorder, double bass, bass guitar or piano you are learning to read and play notes using the bass clef.

The bass clef is the sign at the beginning of each line of the piece of music.

When you are learning to play play pieces using the bass clef you also learn other musical notation, reading the notes and rests and how to play the notes on the given instrument.

Please refer to the article Learning To Play Pieces Using The Treble Clef for information on basic notation, reading the notes on the page, reading the rests on the page and How to Play the Notes on the Chosen Instrument. This of course is related to the treble clef. I will explain the bass clef sections now.

Reading The Notes On The Page:

Remember that there are:
~ notes written on lines called line notes.
~ notes written between the lines called space notes.

To help remember the notes you can use the following as a guide:

You form a sentence and use the first letter of each word to represent the note name.

Line Notes: The note names from the bottom line upwards are G B D F A

So a Sentence could be Good Boys Deserve Fruit Always

Space Notes:
The note names from the lowest space upwards is A C E G

The a Sentence could be All Cows Eat Grass

You can always make up your own.

How To Play The Notes On The Chosen Instrument:

As with the treble clef instruments you will need to follow the guidance of a tutor book yourself, teacher or the internet with an online course eg Piano.

This is just a brief outline of learning to play pieces using the bass clef.